The New Orleans Saints have been nominated for the "Biggest Comeback" on VH1's "Big in '06" awards.
Vote for them at You can vote as many time as you want.
While you're at it, check out two good articles on New Orleans from the New York Times:
Back to New Orleans, Gently
Sounds of Vitality For a Stricken City
Many of you who visited me there will know all about Rebirth on Tuesdays, and the band in the picture (The New Orleans Jazz Vipers) is another of our favorites. We first saw them at the Spotted Cat the weekend before Mardi Gras in 2002. Te last time I was home, I was still waiting for the comeback of Linnzi Zaorski and Delta Royale, who played at our wedding.
2 weeks ago
Last week on Studio 60 (one of our new favorite shows) they had a tribute to New Orleans that featured a group of musicians playing a beautiful rendition of "O Holy Night". You can download it for free at
The bit was in support of the Tipitina's Foundation, a group set up to support musician victims of Katrina. It was really nice - sometimes it seems like TV has forgotten about New Orleans already.
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