Normally, I think of myself as someone who really doesn't complain much. I like to think that I can cope with a lot. But lately, I just feel every day like I'm this close to completely snapping.
I barely keep my head above water at work. I had to complain yesterday, because everyone else's work is being given to me, simply because they know I'll do it well and on time - qualities apparently not in abundance in my office.
I'm overscheduled - Mondays it's the Hash, Tuesdays choir, Wednesday knitting lessons, Thursday Ultimate Frisbee, Saturday I spend the day looking after Milo while my husband runs, and bikes, and relaxes. Then Sunday there's church, then jorge's frisbee match in the afternoon. On top of that, add all the social engagements. This week it was a dinner, a luncheon, and tonight we are hosting a big Mardi Gras party.
Of course, I don't make it any easier on myself. I take on too much. I don't have time for all this. This year, I decided I need to finally get in shape. So on top of everything, I work out 5 times a week. Those con artists who tell you exercising improves your health and relieves stress are full of baloney. When they tell you "you don't have time not to exercise" they are pushing lies! I don't have time to exercise, yet I do it anyway. In return, I am tired, stressed, and I'm getting sick again, even though it's only been a month since my last cold. When you are as immunologically challenged as I am, exercise is basically just obesity prevention, no more no less.
I used to get massages once a month to help me relax. Until the economy took a dive in Ireland and I was informed I'll be taking a 20% pay cut this year.
And then, of course, there's the whole working mom thing. The first time I have any time at all to myself in the day, it's 8 at night. And that's assuming my dear husband will let me have any break at all. I am being a bad mom right now and have stuck Milo in front of an episode of "the Muppet Show" just so I can type this. And I'm typing fast, believe me. The other day, Jorge and I cooked a nice Valentine's Day meal. I thought it would be nice to go put on a pretty dress, maybe put my hair up for dinner...I was literally out of my husband's sight for two minutes before the plaintive cries started:
[long pause]
So there you go. The reason I don't blog. The reasons my jaw is constantly clenched, my shoulders are ever hunched, and my heart is always racing.
Sorry, no time to spell check this. I've got a pitcher of cocktails to make, a little boy to entertain, two king cakes to decorate, and a shower to take, all before Jorge gets home from his run.
Happy Mardi Gras, y'all.
3 weeks ago