Friday, November 14, 2008

More bad news

Jorge called late last night from Mozambique. He told me there had been an accident. I listened for a minute or two, then decided he was pulling my leg. He does that. Frequently. I said "You're messing with me." "No, I'm not," he replied. I waited another minute and said again, "you're messing with me."

"I wish I was." Was all he said.

So this time, Jorge is the boy he cried wolf, and the wolf was real. Jorge and our friends had a pretty serious accident on the road to Mozambique. First off, Jorge says he is fine, just some cuts and bruises. Cassandra, our closest friend in Malawi, is also OK. Her boyfriend and brother apparently had more serious injuries, and were taken to a hospital in Nampula, about three hours from the Malawi border. One of them seems to have a broken rib, and the other is pretty banged up, but Jorge thinks they should be OK.

He is obviously very shaken up, and worried about his friends. They have been shown great kindness by the Mozambicans they have met, who took them to the hospital, gave them a place to stay, and are taking Jorge and Cassandra to the car to file a police report and recover what they can.

The car was totaled, so they are figuring out how to get back to Malawi, or whether the two who were hurt need to be med-evaced. I want my husband home, and I can hear in his voice that he wants nothing more than to be safe back with us again as well. But I am not sure when our friends will be able to travel, so they expect to be in Nampula at least another night.

I know Jorge would not want me to be writing about this here - he will not want people to worry. But I am selfish. If I am worried, I want supportive people worrying and praying along with me. I will post an update when I get a chance, but probably not until Monday.

But really, Jorge would say, I don't want you to worry - everything will be just fine.


pyjammy pam said...

oh gwyneth, that is so scary. i will keep jorge and his friends in my thoughts, that they are all okay and get to go back home soon.

jcelestelay said...

I hope Jorge is ok and gets back quickly and safely! How scary!

Shannon said...

Goodness! I'm so sorry that Jorge and your friends had to suffer something so tragic. I've been in a serious car accident and it is terrifying. I hope their physical injuries heal quickly and that they don't suffer to much emotionally.

Anonymous said...

Sending you all our love, and keeping you all in our prayers.

mandi said...

Gwyneth, I will say some prayers for Jorge and your friends, how terrifying, hopefully they will all be home soon.

Unknown said...

GWYNETH! MY GOODNESS:( I will keep Jorge and your friends in my thoughts. I WISH I COULD CALL YOU. Do you have a number???

Unknown said...

Oh, by the way, the dc writers group....I guess comes in cause I am logged in through that...but do not reply to that e-mail....hope all is well...hugs, mary...Jesus is thinking about yah too!