Monday, February 12, 2007


I had a nice weekend this week.

Friday night started out well - Jameson's whisky and "The Karate Kid 2". Kind of a dangerous combination actually. I almost re-developed the enormous crush I had on Ralph Macchio when I was 9.

Saturday, I was rather proud of myself, because I ran errands. I used to be quite adept at it, back in the days before I had a housekeeper (Godfrey) and personal assistant (my husband). But running errands in Africa is so much more complicated than popping over to the Target and back. You have to make a separate stop for just about everything, and there's never any guarantee that what you need will still be in stock once you get there. (For example, not one store had regular flour this week. I'm expecting bread riots any day now.)

That evening, my friend Matt (a.k.a. Movie Matt, whose blog is listed here) had a pre-Valentine's Day party. I considered wearing all black in protest for being alone yet again on Valentine's Day, but instead I donned some festive pink and danced the night away to such classics as "Doin' the Butt", "Push It", and "Take on Me". Good times.

Yesterday I slept in, then did some work that I've been putting off for a couple weeks. Then it was back to Matt's for a big-screen viewing of "The Fellowship of the Rings," in its 4-hour, editor's cut version. It should be called "Lord, that's a Long Movie...of the Rings".


Miriam said...

Happy Valentine's Day Gwynnie! Hey don't feel bad about being alone on V-day, it's overrated anyway. I've been boycotting it for years!

Anonymous said...

Abdikadir said,
Blessed valentine day to you gwyneth,dont worry being alone in my rural home they don't know what its all about,you are not alone!!!!